The first is time as we Understand it measured by clocks. The second is divine timing. That intersection of Gods' will with our Chronos. In our hustle and bustle world of instant gratification, waiting on God's timing can seem anathema to us. We feel slighted or thwarted when things don't happen on our timeline. The fulfillment of our destiny and purpose is not according r our clock,but His timing; the recognition cannot occur apart from His Spirit. Jesus who was the Son of God at birth waited 30 years for the Fathers timing. All the while growing in intimacy with the Spirit's leading to recognize when the Father said "GO" or "NOW" or ready to step into the Kairos of the Father and thereby change eternity for all mankind. Blessed child of God, know that God does have a special plan and purpose for you for His Glory which is according to His timing. "Though the vision tarry, wait for it."Don't be fretful about the passage of time, but be occupied with the hearing of and the surrender to the sound of His voice WHEN He says "Now"